All About Testosterone
Low testosterone or testosterone deficiency is a condition where the testicles do not produce or secrete sufficient amounts of the male hormone. The most common cause for this condition is age-related. As man ages, testosterone levels typically decrease by 1 percent every year after the age of 30. When these hormone levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter, signs appear. A man with low testosterone experiences a range of symptoms, from loss of sex drive and reduced body hair to obesity and depression. Certainly, aging is not the only root behind this condition. Various health disorders could interfere with the production, storage, and release of testosterone in the body and thus could cause testosterone levels to drop.
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is the male hormone. Produced by the testicles, it is the main determinator for a man’s appearance. Testosterone is a potent hormone that is necessitated for normal male sexual functions and development. It stimulates a man’s sex drive as well as sperm production. It also helps to maintain muscle mass, strong bones, adequate levels of red blood cells, and a sense of well-being. Testosterone is thus a salient hormone that is crucial for both reproductive as well as general physical and mental health.
for a teenager, the male hormone helps boys develop manly features like facial and body hair, deep voice, muscle strength, and growth spurts.
What causes testosterone levels to drop?
Nearly 40% of men over the age of 50 suffer from hypogonadism. The reasons to develop this condition are numerous. Aging and lifestyle-related factors are among the most important causes, these include:
⦁ obesity or ⦁ being overweight
⦁ metabolic syndrome: hypertension, high blood sugar, high cholesterol levels, and belly fat
⦁ use of medications such as antipsychotics and narcotics
Other disorders could cause damage to the testicles and disrupt their ability to produce the hormone. These disorders include:
-accidents or trauma causing damage to the testicles
– testicular torsion which impedes the blood supply to testicles
– orchitis or infection of the testicles
other systemic disorders could interfere with the function of several organs, including the testicles, such as obstructive sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, tumors in the brain (pituitary tumor), or excessive prolactin secretion.
What are the symptoms of low testosterone?
A range of symptoms occurs in the male body when the hormone drops beyond normal values. These include:
-low sex drive
-difficulty with erection
-low semen volume
-hair loss
-fatigue, depression and mood changes
-loss of muscular strength
-loss of bone mass
-increased fat gain
what is the treatment for low testosterone?
The underlying disorder causing dysfunction in the testicle’s production capacity should be corrected first. Testosterone replacement therapy is the treatment choice for the many cases related to aging and chronic disorders. Hormone replacement therapy can be given in several ways:
-intramuscular injections every 14 or 15 days
-testosterone patches applied every day to arms, abdomen or back
-gels applied regularly to the dry skin of back and arms
-pellets embedded under the skin every two months
hormone replacement therapy reverses all the symptoms of low testosterone. It restores the sexual and reproductive function, improves the sense of wellbeing and mental sharpness, increases muscle strength and bone density, and it prevents the problems related to delayed puberty in boys.